Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So we have been pretty busy lately with Rod having surgery. He had a fix of his hiatal hernia and a laprascopic fundiplication. Say that five times fast. Basically they tightened the area where the esophagus meets the stomach, by wrapping part of the stomach around the esophagus. Needless to say he is still recovering. Right now he is still getting used to more solid foods and feeling very deprived because there is a lot he can't eat. It hurts to laugh and hiccup, but he is being a trooper. He had me lauhging so hard today as he begged for a snickers bar and tried to persuade me why it was allowed that he had to leave because I was making him laugh. No bread and meat for a month. Poor guy. Thank goodness for perscoset he says.

Emma is growing. Only 4 more weeks. I had my first internal exam and am dilated to 1cm, which means basically nothing, but we are still getting really excited for the arrival. Her heartbeat is strong and the Dr says everything is going good. We can't wait for our new arrival, although I am getting more and more nervous for the actual process of delivering a baby. It is hard to be prepared for what you don't know and anyone who knows me knows I hate not to be prepared. We are packing our bag this week so everything will be ready there and we are hoping Rod is a little more recovered before this little one comes.

Here are some pics of Rod on the day of surgery and after.

Here We Are

Here We Are
My first blog experience

Halloween in AZ

This is the first picture I could find of us. Really it is Christmas now. Rod and I had fun planning this Halloween party. I even thought it would be a good time to make costumes ( I will think more about that next time).

Europe up till now

We spent a month this summer in Europe and it was so fun!! Then we packed up and moved from Bullhead City to Tempe, AZ. Roderick is enjoying his time finishing his Economics degree at ASU ( although finals stink). I am being a dental hygienist in Scottsdale, which is very fun! I love the people I work with and it keeps me busy. We are getting ready to head up to Utah next week for our Christmas break and can't wait. This blogging stuff is fun!

Italy Rocks

Italy Rocks
mopeds are the coolest

Our Summer Trip

Our Summer Trip